Data Analysis

The major trend that took place across all four months is that the maximum and minimum temperatures fluctuate together, in another word the temperature range stays about the same from day to day. January was the coldest month with all the following month getting warmer. January’s coldest mean temperature day was -5 degrees Fahrenheit and warmest day was approximately 30 degrees Fahrenheit, giving the month a range of 35 degrees. February’s coldest mean temperature day was approximately 0 degrees Fahrenheit and warmest day was approximately 43 degrees Fahrenheit, giving the month a range of 43 degrees. March’s coldest mean temperature was approximately 10 degrees Fahrenheit and the warmest day was approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, giving the month a range of 40 degrees. April’s coldest mean temperature was approximately 35 degrees Fahrenheit and the warmest day was approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit, giving the month a range of 25 degrees. There is not a clear trend in monthly mean temperature ranges, but in theses four month the range increased from January to February and the decreased between each of the following months.

The major trend that took place across these months is that January had no precipitation, and then precipitation increased in February and increased again March. Precipitation decreases from March to April, however April still had greater amounts of precipitation than January and February. There was no precipitation an January. In February the total precipitation added up to 0.00787 inches. In March the total precipitation added up to 1.11811 inches. In April the total precipitation added up to 0.80315 inches. There was no precipitation in January and only one day of precipitation in February that totaled only 0.00787 inches which is difficult to compare to temperature and find a trend. For March and April precipitation occurred both when temperature was increasing and decreasing but days with greater amount of precipitation occurred when temperature was decreasing.


In January the dominant wind direction was WSW (8 days) and W (6 days) these two wind directions add up to about 45% for this month. In February the dominant wind direction was W (7 days) and WSW (4 days) these two wind directions add up to about 40% for this month. February also had 4 days of SE wind direction and 4 days of ENE wind direction. In March the dominant wind directions were E (7 days), ESE (4 days), and SE (4 days) these wind directions add up to about 50% for this month. March also had 7 days of W wind direction. In April the dominant wind direction was E (7 days) and ESE (5 days) these two wind directions add up to a little more than 50% for this month. Precipitation occurred during wind from multiple direction but the majority of rain occurred when the wind was from the E or ESE. 

Data trends occurred in the temperature data, precipitation data, and wind direction data. The major temperature trends that took place across all four months is that the maximum and minimum temperatures fluctuate together, in another word the temperature range stayed about the same from day to day. January was the coldest month with all the following month getting warmer. There is not a clear trend in monthly mean temperature ranges, but in theses four month the range increased from January to February and then decreased between each of the following months. The major precipitation trend that took place across these months is that January had no precipitation, and then precipitation increased in February and increased again March. Precipitation decreased from March to April, however April still had greater amounts of precipitation than January and February. There was no precipitation in January and only one day of precipitation in February that totaled only 0.00787 inches which is difficult to compare to temperature and find a trend. For March and April precipitation occurred both when temperature was increasing and decreasing but days with a greater amount of precipitation occurred when temperature was decreasing. The major wind direction trend that took place in these months is that the dominant wind direction in January and February was from the W and WSW. However February also had a few days when the wind direction was from the SE. In March and April the dominant wind direction was from the E and ESE. March also had a few days when the wind direction was from the W. Precipitation occurred during wind from multiple direction but the majority of rain occurred when the wind was from the E or ESE. This correlates with the information posted in my daily weather blog with wind usually coming from the W, WSW, E, and ESE. My weather blog also shows that major precipitation commonly occurs when the wind direction is from the E or ESE, and that precipitation occurs on days when the temperature is cooler than the previous days.
Comparing climographs to more than one location allows one to determine if trends are just a local variance or if a regional/global trend is taking place. Elevation, vegetation, and distance to large water bodies can influence differences between the different locations. Areas located next to large bodies of water usually have a smaller annual temperature range, such as Milwaukee that has an annual temperature range of approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature range of an area located next to an ocean would be even smaller. Areas that at not near large bodies of water usually have a larger annual temperature range such as Eau Claire that has an annual temperature range of approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit. All of these locations have very similar precipitation trends. Averaging about 1 inch of precipitation in the winter months and peaking at about 4 inches of precipitation in the summer. Data can vary a lot based on collection techniques, whether one is using data at a certain time or averaged over a range of time, and whether measurements are exact or estimated based on computer analysis.